U.s. navy underwater sound reference laboratory orlando
U.s. navy underwater sound reference laboratory orlando

The Army adopted the Navy formulation in 1908 and began manufacture at Picatinny Arsenal. During the 1890s, Charles Munroe and John Bernadou worked at Newport, patenting a formulation of nitrocellulose colloided with ether and alcohol which was used as smokeless powder for naval artillery through the two World Wars. Naval Torpedo Station was founded in Newport, Rhode Island on Goat Island, the site of Fort Wolcott which was built in 1702 and served as an Army fort from 1794 to 1835. Those laboratories were themselves made up of consolidated older laboratories and facilities dating from World War I. Two major laboratories, in Newport and New London composed the largest elements of what is now Division Newport. The current entity is composed of many elements of Navy undersea research, particularly acoustics and acoustic systems with weapons research and development history dating to the 19th century. It employs more than 4,400 civilian and military personnel, with budgets over $1 billion. NUWC also controls the Fox Island facility and Gould Island. NUWC is headquartered in Newport, Rhode Island and has two major subordinate activities: Division Newport and Division Keyport in Keyport, Washington. It is one of the corporate laboratories of the Naval Sea Systems Command. The Naval Undersea Warfare Center ( NUWC) is the United States Navy's full-spectrum research, development, test and evaluation, engineering and fleet support center for submarines, autonomous underwater systems, and offensive and defensive weapons systems associated with undersea warfare.

U.s. navy underwater sound reference laboratory orlando