The syndicate project halo reach mod#
Another problem that may require more advanced mod tools.Grenade throw is out of sync with the marine animation.However this is an important feature that I will keep looking into regardless of limitations. This is likely something that cannot be fixed until we get proper modding tools from 343i. A difficult problem that I've looked into for more time than I'd like to admit.Similar to cutscenes, this has little impact on gameplay so will be investigated later into the project.Player does not have any in-game dialog.For now, avoid trying to use anything other than Sprint and Jetpack. I will remove these from the missions at a later date.Seeing as this is a gameplay-focused modification this issue is likely to be left until the very end of the project.Cutscenes do not render Spartan models properly/at all.Assault rifle and magnum have third-person camera views implemented.I have used this mission to test using the ODST model and editing colours.All further modifications will be made here first before implementation on other levels (with a couple exceptions like model testing).This is my main testing mission, so far all changes documented have been implemented here.- Projectile long range damage decreased from 5.834 to range 3-4.- Projectile short range damage decreased from 6.788 to 6.3.+ Maximum error angle decreased from 2.5 to 2.05.+ Maximum reserves increased from 288 to 480.+ Magazine size increased from 32 to 48.+ Rate of fire increased from 10 rounds per second to 15.- Projectile damage decreased from 17.5 to 9.+ Maximum and minimum bloom values decreased.+ Maximum reserves increased from 60 to 144.+ Magazine size increased from 15 to 24.Third-person camera now active for all weapons.Movement and control still subject to modification. Sprint speed multiplier slightly reduced.Sprint recharge wait increased by 1 second.Sprint duration greatly reduced (Lasts roughly 3 seconds).

Jump height and speed slightly reduced.Forward speed slightly reduced, left/right speed moderately reduced, backwards speed greatly reduced.Movement adjusted in various ways for more realism.Shields disabled to remove shield bar from HUD.HUD colours changed to pale yellows, similar to the HUD from Halo 3: ODST.Other colours will also be adjusted to allow a variety of realistic colour options.Choose 'brown' for primary armour, 'drab' for secondary armour, and 'default' visor colour.Player colours have been altered to match the colours of the marines.Changes the third-person model for the player to the marine trooper model (model variant depends on the mission).Rather than just switching the camera views and player models, this mod also focuses on rebalancing health and weapons to offer a more enjoyable trooper experience. This project will (eventually) modify the entire campaign of Halo: Reach to become a third-person shooter following troopers instead of Spartans.